• Running Odoo 8 on Pypy

    Pypy has not reached the point of compatibility that one could simply switch the interpreter. Some libraries need to be replaced, or installed with latest development code. Still, one can get the Odoo web running with a few changes.

  • Tornado Non-blocking Smtp Client

    Recently, I was developing a tornado-based web application at work. The idea of using Tornado is to base the whole web application on Tornado’s single-threaded IOloop, which enables the application to handle higher load compared to using other multi-threaded model (given the same hardware). Since there is no additional thread spawned to handle concurrent requests, no memory overhead. And besides, that help avoids context-switching cost when the program control is passed between threads.

  • Fibonacci Tail Recursion

    (Documenting my progress with Haskell. little by little)

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