Pypy has not reached the point of compatibility that one could simply switch the interpreter. Some libraries need to be replaced, or installed with latest development code. Still, one can get the Odoo web running with a few changes.

Changes that were made are pretty simple:

1. gevent and greenlet

Install from the latest development code to avoid smth like this:

gevent/callbacks.c:8:18: error: ‘PyThreadState’ has no member named ‘curexc_type’

gevent/callbacks.c:11:19: error: ‘PyThreadState’ has no member named ‘curexc_value’

gevent/callbacks.c:12:23: error: ‘PyThreadState’ has no member named ‘curexc_traceback’

To install from github

pip install cython  git+git://

pip install git+git://
2. psycopg2

Instead of psycopg, install:

pip install psycopg2cffi psycopg2cffi-compat

Here’s the link to complete pip requirements.txt

Github gist