On one Friends episode, Ross zoned out when the prospect of becoming a father sank in. The burden of giving birth is momentary, and being parents are for the rest of life. What a moment of realization.

The months of pregnancy and hormonal changes signal the transition into motherhood for mothers, both physically and psychologically. Fathers don’t go through all that. Changes are external. More household chores when wifey was not well. Regular hospital visits for checkups. Getting the house ready. Is it any different from another busy period.

And then the baby will come. And fathers become fathers. No wonder why Ross were shocked by the realization. We weren’t prepared, there was no head-ups in our body to know that our roles in life are changing. And now the role includes responsibility for another human being.

Unprepared and overwhelmed, yes. But no problem. A slow start does not matter that much in such a long race. Father will learn to be father.