Use MobileNetV2 as feature extractor in Tensorflow
Applying machine learning in image processing tasks sometimes feel like toying with Lego blocks. One base block to extract feature vectors from images, another block to classify… Popular choices of feature extractors are MobileNet, ResNet, Inception. And as with any other engineering problem, choosing a feature extractor is about considering trade-offs between speed, accuracy, and size. For my current task of dealing with ML on mobile devices, MobileNetV2 seem to be a good fit as it is fast, quantization friendly and does not sacrifice too much of accuracy. Tensorflow provides a reference implementation of MobileNetV2 that makes using it much easier.
First thing first, clone the repo and add its to Python path
import sys
returns output tensors that are convolved with input image. For MobileNetV2, the last layer is layer_20
. Output from mobilenet can be used for classification or as input to ssdlite for object detection.
def mobilenet(inputs, is_training=True):
with tf.variable_scope('myscope', reuse=reuse_weights) as scope:
with slim.arg_scope(
mobilenet_v2.training_scope(is_training=is_training, bn_decay=0.9997)), \
[mobilenet.depth_multiplier], min_depth=16):
with (context_manager.IdentityContextManager()):
_, image_features = mobilenet_v2.mobilenet_base(
od_ops.pad_to_multiple(inputs, 32),
# last layer of moblilenetV2 is layer_20
# this is for demonstration purpuse.
# Layers such as fully_connected can be put here.
return image_features['layer_20']
It is a pretty straight forward process. There is only one point to note, the is_training
flag. When it is set to True, BatchNorm layers accumulate statistics such as moving variance and moving mean. When it is False, it would just use those values. When I first trained my MobileNetV2 based network, though loss value decreased fine, prediction worked as expected. Just that the model would produce junk output when is_training
is set to False for evaluation. And quantizing the model seemed to make it gibberish. Turned out, I need to make the update of moving variances and means a dependency of training ops, which is cautioned here.
update_ops = tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
# add dependency on "moving avg" for batch_norm
train_op = optimizer.minimize(l1_loss, global_step)
Without it, Tensorflow does not write those statistics as part of the model, which breaks it after quantization.